Students and sex work 

Students involved in the Adult Entertainment Industry

Recently there has been a rise in students entering the adult entertainment industry, especially the online/content creation arena due to various factors such as the collapse of casual jobs throughout the pandemic, the rise in the cost of living and more pressure on students study-wise meaning less time to commit to long hours in minimum wage jobs. The sex industry can reportedly offer a more flexible, higher-paid alternative for some, but not without cost. Some students are finding themselves increasingly isolated due to the stigma and discrimination associated with the industry.

It is understandable that some students decide to keep their involvement a secret due to such stigma, and for fear of their peers or universities finding out which has led to sanctions or complete expulsions due to morality clauses. This has led to some students feeling reluctant to seek help and support when needed, which can then exacerbate feelings of isolation. If this is you, you are not alone. Rest assured you are not the only student working within the sex industry even though it can often feel like it. Research shows that around 5% of students have engaged in the sex industry and up to 10% if an emergency demands money.

There are now numerous avenues of support that you can access. There is an increasing number of universities that are committed to ensuring all their students have an inclusive experience whilst studying, check out your University Student Union page or Student Services to see what confidential services they offer.

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