How to reverse search an image

How to reverse search an image

Reverse image searching allows you to find other websites that contain the image you’re looking for. If you think your image might be elsewhere online, this could be a useful tool.  

So, what’s the process?

  • You will need the original copies of the images
  • Open a search engine with a reverse image search tool (see below)
  • Drag and drop or upload the image into the search bar
  • If there are no images found, the top result will be ‘No other sizes of this image found'. 
  • If there are images found, the top result will be ‘find other sizes of this image’. By clicking ‘all sizes’, this will take you to a page with search results

What about videos?

Videos are slightly more tricky but it's doable. You can't upload the whole video into an image search engine so you will need to take screenshots of the video thumbnail or at different points in the video which you can use to image search. 

Image reverse search engines

Most search engines have a reverse image search function. It's usually found as an image icon alongside the image search bar. If you are wanting to perform a tougher search, it's best to use more than one engine to double-check as sometimes the images cannot be found on one engine but can be on another. 

You can find links below to some of the most popular search engines and their reverse image tool. 

Please note: we do not endorse or recommend the following platforms, we are simply providing available tools for public use. 

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