How to find a URL link

What is a URL and why do I need to find this?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Essentially, this is the address of a website. If you have had your intimate content shared online and you need assistance with the removal of this, then we will need to ask for you a direct URL link to where this content is.  

Don't worry if you don't know how to find this, we've explained it below for websites, social media platforms and how to find an image address. 

How to find and copy a URL link from a website

Firstly, find the white banner at the top of your screen, you may have to scroll to the top of the screen if you are using a mobile device. Within that banner is the URL; it usually starts with http.www. 

Select it so the whole item is highlighted (it usually highlights in blue) 

If you are using a computer (with a keyboard and mouse), right-click and select 'copy' (you can also press 'ctrl + C' on your keyboard).

If you are using a mobile device, press and hold the URL as it is highlighted. A dropdown menu should appear, and press 'copy'.

This item has then been copied into your clipboard. You can then 'paste' this into a word document or e-mail.

If you are using a computer with a mouse, right-click and select “paste' (you can also press 'ctrl + V').

This should then paste the URL. You can check this by clicking the link to see if it directs you to the page you were on

How to find an image address

You might need to do this to find a direct URL link to the image itself, not just the website page where the image can be seen. For example, if your image is on a gallery with other images where you do not appear, we will need to know which image is of you and you wish to be reported. 

This is easier to do from a laptop or a computer. 

Open the page that your image has been shared to.

Right-click on the image that belongs to you. 

You'll see a list of options, select 'copy image address. 

This will then be copied into your clipboard. You can then either paste the link address into an email or you can put it into a word document.

Find more detail about how to do this from a mobile device here. 

How to find URLs from social media platforms?

There are a few reasons why we might ask for a URL to a social media profile or post. If an account is being used to make threats or to share your intimate content without consent, we can help to report this on your behalf, or we can help to report posts that are sharing your intimate content without your consent. 

Below you can find links to how you can find URLs across a range of social media platforms. 

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