How to set up a Google Alert

The internet is a MASSIVE place. We all understand this. Equally, we understand that when anxiety and worry take over, we panic about where our images may have been shared online.

Setting up a Google Alert is not a perfect science but can definitely provide some reassurance and peace of mind. It works by flagging Google search results to you via email when a specific name or phrase is found.

  1. You'll first need a Google Mail (Gmail) account. If you don't have one, create one here.
  2. Go to 'Google Alerts'. 
  3. Create your alerts. 

You can enter as many alerts as you like. This could include names, nicknames, and phrases, basically anything you think could be attached or associated with your content if your images or videos were posted. If you have a common name, you might need to add some detail, such as your home town, so you don’t receive 100+ results a day for someone else.


Jane Smith  
Jane Smith, Huddersfield    
Jane Smith, Huddersfield, 31  
Jane Smith, Leaked nudes  

   4. Change the options of what you see and when you're alerted.

Seeing daily alerts might cause you to feel more stressed by the situation. Click on the settings cog icon (found by the right of 'My Alerts'. You can then decide how often you can receive notifications for search results. By selecting the ‘Digest’ option, any search results will be combined into one email which you can receive daily or weekly.

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