Online Stalking

What is stalking?

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust defines stalking as 'A pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour which is repeated, persistent, intrusive and causes fear of violence or engenders alarm and distress in the victim.’ 

The term 'cyberstalking' extends this behaviour online, for example, monitoring victims online social media accounts or creating fake profiles to follow victims and gather information. 

Is this against the law?

Stalking is a crime in the UK. Slight variations of the law exist between England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and you can find the legislation below.  

The law states that it’s illegal for a person to pursue a course of conduct that they know or ought to know amounts to stalking. A 'course of conduct' refers to two or more incidents of unwanted behaviour.

If you believe you are being stalked, you can report this to the police via 101 or your local police force website. If you feel in any immediate physical danger, call the police on 999.  

What to do if you're being stalked online

Further help and support 

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