
What is harassment? 

Harassment is repeated and unwanted behaviour that is intended to cause distress or make you feel intimidated or humiliated. It can happen on its own or alongside other forms of discrimination.

Citizens Advice explains that 'unwanted behaviour' could be:

  • spoken or written words or abuse
  • offensive emails, tweets or comments on social networking sites
  • images and graffiti
  • physical gestures
  • facial expressions
  • jokes

Types of harassment

Harassment can take on different forms and it's important that there are clearly explained. 

Is it against the law?

Harassment is against the law in the UK. The law states that you must have experienced at least two incidents by the same person or group of people for it to be harassment.

It's the courts that decide if something is harassment under the Act. The courts will look at whether most people or a reasonable person would think the behaviour amounts to harassment.

What to do if you're being harassed online

Further help and support 

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